5 Essential Grooming Tips to Make Men More Attractive to Women

5 Essential Grooming Tips to Make Men More Attractive to Women

5 Essential Grooming Tips to Make Men More Attractive to Women

The truth is that while looks do matter to men and women alike, it’s far from the most important thing when it comes to finding a partner. The science of sexual attraction is a complex one that involves multiple different factors, from the way you smell to the shape of your jaw to even the color of the shirt you’re wearing.

1) Make her laugh.
Everyone wants a partner who gets their sense of humor. If you’re the “funny guy” among your friends, lean into it. Even science says you should: A 2006 study published in Evolution and Human Behavior asked participants how much they value their partner’s ability to make them laugh, and the results, not surprisingly, revealed that women truly care about their partner’s humor. If you’re able to make them laugh, it’s an extremely attractive quality.

2) Wear sunglasses.
Sunglasses make guys hotter, and there’s proof to back it up. Vanessa Brown, a lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, explained that sunglasses make a man look mysterious: “The eyes are such a tremendous source of information—and vulnerability—for the human being,” she told The Cut. Not having that information makes women drawn to you. They want to learn more about the man behind the glasses.

3) Be nice.
Turns out nice guys don’t finish last. A 2016 study out of the University of Guelph and Nipissing University surveyed 800 people in an attempt to better understand the relationship between altruism, attraction, and sex. The researchers asked participants about their sexual history as well as how often they engage in selfless acts, such as charity work and donating blood.

It turns out that folks who do good things for the sake of, well, being good, got laid more. Also, while the study didn’t explore this, we’d be willing to bet that selfless people are also selfless lovers, putting their partners’ needs into consideration, and that is attractive.

4) Wear cologne.
Women find wearing cologne or a signature spray attractive, but not for the reason you think. It doesn’t have to do with pheromones or natural odors, at least according to a paper published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science. In the study, the participants who were given a spray of cologne self-reported higher confidence and said they felt more attractive.

But the findings don’t end there: When a group of women were shown a silent video of the men wearing the spray, they rated them sexier than the guys who weren’t wearing any cologne. This means that when you feel sexier and more confident, women pick up on that, and find you more attractive.

5) Eat more garlic
Garlic? Yep, garlic. We’re a liiiiittle skeptical, but a 2016 study published in the academic journal Appetite found that men who eat garlic smell more “pleasant” and “attractive” than those who don’t. The study suggests that eating garlic somehow impacts our body odor.

To clarify, having a garlic-y breathe is still gross, but consuming garlic can boost you a level on the attractive scale. 5 Essential Grooming Tips to Make Men More Attractive to Women

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