Mayor Eric Adams Gets Grilled On Radio And Baptized At Rikers

NYC Mayor Eric Adams took a break from the boom boom room to get eviscerated on The Breakfast Club.

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Source: Spencer Platt / Getty

The verbal lashing came courtesy of attorney Olayemi Olurin, who held Adams’ feet to the fire on several hot-button issues.

Chief among the issues raised was the mayor and the NYPD‘s use of fear tactics to justify over-policing. Adams posited that New York is the safest big city in the world, to which Olurin responded,

“New Yorkers don’t feel safe because of the way the NYPD, The [New York] Post and Mayor Adams go about sensationalizing crime and I am asking you to talk about it differently.”

Of course, the NYPD‘s main supporter was not here for the facts. He decided to chalk up her remarks to nothing more than a difference of opinion.

“A lot of people in the far left don’t agree with me…They say ‘Eric people should be allowed to sleep on the streets, no matter what. They should be allowed to sit on your stoop and inject themselves with drugs. They should be allowed to go into the stores and steal whatever they want, they shouldn’t have to pay on the subway systems.’ People disagree with me all the time.”

That’s a funny way to say you’ve completely missed the point. Olurin’s critiques stem from transit crime being down over 14%, compared to the same time last year, while arrests are up 50% since the start of 2024. According to AMNY, Adams and Governor Kathy Hochul sent over 700 National Guard troops to search for weapons at subway stations.

Olurin also brought to the table the revival of the racist “stop and frisk” methods practiced by the NYPD that disproportionately target Black and Latino residents.

“You have brought back policies that are worst than the Bloomberg era but more importantly…they did an analysis of ten different precincts…and saw that those neighborhood safety teams conducted 97% of their searches on Black and Brown people and a quarter of them are unconstitutional.”

Adams proved his arms were too short to box with the educated attorney and had very few facts to back up his dissenting opinions. Olurin also brought the NYPD to the carpet about their bullying tactics and they, of course, went about proving her right.

Rev. Al Sharpton Baptizes Mayor Eric Adams At Rikers Island On Good Friday

After being nailed on his harmful rhetoric, Mayor Adams then went to Rikers Island to be rebaptized by Reverend Al Sharpton amongst detainees of the historically atrocious institution, Page Six reports. Sharpton and Adams have worked together for “some 35 years of partnership to improve New York City’ Black and Brown communities,” the outlet says.

However, neither have discussed plans to dismantle the inhumane conditions of Rikers Island. The abhorrent prison had a scheduled closing date in 2027 due to the record of fatalities and abuse behind its walls. However, that deadline has an extension.

We all remember the heartbreaking story of Kalief Browder detained at Rikers for three years on bail for allegedly stealing a backpack. The physical violence, combined with over 800 days spent in solitary confinement he suffered, led to his devastating death by suicide in 2015.

Still, Adams and Sharpton made a show of the mayor’s rebaptism due to his past arrest at the age of 15.

“By being baptized again along [with] 11 detainees, Mayor Adams today reaffirmed his commitment to his faith, to the city of New York, and helping the most broken among us,” Sharpton said.

Hmm. Ok.

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