Gay adult actor, Austin Wolf Smith, is a pedophile as he got arrested for child pornography

Data reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Homosexual grownup actor, Austin Wolf Smith, is a pedophile as he received arrested for little one pornography. (Learn Extra Right here).

Austin Wolf has been uncovered as a intercourse predator or pedo who is thought for having homosexual intercourse with minor boys or underage boys, popularly often known as twinks. 

Authorities mentioned Smith, 43, used a Telegram account to alternate the pornography with one other person, which they later discovered saved on a reminiscence card at his New York Metropolis condo.

Smith, who has over 900K followers on X, the place he distributes a lot of his grownup movie materials, is charged with two alleged offenses: one depend of distribution and receipt of kid pornography and one depend of possession of kid pornography.


The primary instance specified by the legal criticism towards Smith is a video of a boy. 

“The video exhibits a toddler of roughly 10 years previous certain, overwhelmed, and ràped by an grownup man,” the criticism learn.

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